Jeremy Byars is a dedicated junior who has been in Metals since freshman year.
“I’ve been involved in shop in general since back in middle school. I’ve always loved the shop, and it’s just kind of on the way up because I love working with metal over wood.”
He says he likes seeing his projects come together. Super Mileage Vehicle adviser Jeron Cassidy has watched him work with a group to build a fuel-efficient vehicle.
“I really enjoy having Jeremy in Super Mileage Vehicle, and as a student, I can rely on him for so many things. He always goes above and beyond, so I really appreciate that,” said Cassidy.
Along with being an excellent student, Jeremy is also friend.
“Jeremy Byars is a good friend for the most part. Overall he’s a pretty smart, good friend.” said Sawyer Brede, junior.
Byars is also a leader outside of school in Super Mileage Vehicles, a club dedicated to building and racing cars.
“He has been our lead mechanic and driver for most of his high school career,” said Jeron Cassidy.
Another outside of school activity performed by the student is being a part of a Vintage Class Racing Team.
Cassidy said Jeremy, “lined up a demo for his classmates in Automotives Mechanics 1 so they could see what he helped create. So he brought the car in for them,”
Jeremy does plan to continue to strive in this class as well as the extracurricular shop activities he’s involved in. His plan for the future is to make shop work a career as well for many years to come.