The Student Senate has started working on a school-wide relief project to raise funds for Haiti.
“We are trying to get every club in the school involved and some classes, like gym or Foods,” said sophomore Alex Turner, a Student Senate member and the co-leader of the project. She and sophomore Joshua Hansen are working together to organize this project.
“We are organizing what other clubs are doing and when they are doing it,” said Turner. “We are trying to get every club in the school involved, and some classes, too.”
Turner and the Senate are “expecting people to get involved even they are not in a club.” Classes that would be involved include foods and gym.
“We are trying to get a Walk-a-thon going in the gym classes,” said Turner. Clubs are also going to be very involved in this process.
“The FFA is doing the Kiss a Pig fund-raiser,” said Turner. Students will get to vote on which teacher in the school will bee kissing a pig.
These fundraisers come from a want to help. “We have been hearing a lot about haiti recently. Because we hear so much about it, we thought it would be fun to help out,” said Turner.
Want to help out or get involved? Most of the fund-raising will be going on during April, but set dates are as follows: Kiss a Pig, March 15-19 and Walk-a-thon, May.